Musiq Mania

Monday, June 18, 2007

Slave of Work?

Before we discuss about the topic, let me explain the meaning of each word

1. Exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something.
2. One's place of employment.
3. Productive or operative activity.

1. A person entirely under the domination of some influence or person.
2. To work very hard or doggedly; toil.

These could be few of meanings that would explain each word accordingly, then When we make a phrase when joining these two words we have Slave of work which can simply means most of the time the slaves had to do the hardest work their boss had for them.

This is actually what I'm experiencing right now, tight up to work which I didn't expect that it would be such a drag! Although I enjoy doing stuffs at work, but not to an extent when it becomes a chain tied to my neck which prevents me from going out or having my own social life! It's always work and no decent social life to have.... When times that you don't even have time to talk with your friends and have a good time.

WORK + WORK + WORK + WORK + STRESS + WORK + WORK = More WORK & STRESS! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It seems the cycle never ends when you become a slave of work. Trust me! Been there and still suffering! ( T-T) anyhow, you become to an extent that you eventually lose the goal and main purpose of life and also getting very depressed due to 0% of social life that you're experiencing... and in the end, you'll end up emotionally down, and sometimes end up crying in the corner (ok, so I shouldn't have said that). It's pretty lonely when you're in my position, so lonely you feel SO sorry for yourselves.

Lesson learned? Always cherish the friends that is around you, when you're down and weary go to them! They'll always there to help you! Although there are times that you have to tell them how you feel, they're not usually super sensitive to detect your mood and feeling ( ^-^) and take time having your rest, and ASK for a appropriate time to have a day off! Rejuvenate those tired bones and muscle, put your brain into hibernate mode and relax. (Which for the 1st time in 2 months that I'll be having my deserved day off tomorrow!) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And lastly, Thanks to my friends! Thank you for helping me out when I'm down!! ( ^3^)/
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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