Musiq Mania

Monday, June 25, 2007

Anime Review: Honey & Clover (1 & 2)

One of my passion for entertainment is anime, i just love watching animes
Why? 'Coz it's fun and meaningful! (Well, not all of them actually... some are just plain mindless and stupid)

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Honey & Clover is considered as one of my Top 5 anime of all time (as of June 25, 2007 actually). Due to it's storyline and funny antics too. 

Season 1 (26 episodes) aired on  2005-04-14
Season 2 (12 episodes) aired on  2006-06-29

Season 1 
Second-year art student Yuuta Takemoto lives the typical college life: sleeping, eating, and dealing with troublesome apartment mates like eccentric Morita and ladies' man Mayama. Life gets interesting when Hagumi Hanamoto, the gifted niece of Professor Shuuji Hanamoto, comes to school and surprises everyone with her talents (and unusually young appearance). Takemoto wants to make friends with her, but Morita always seems to make the first move; Hagu-chan, meanwhile, is afraid of the boys and prefers the company of pottery student Ayumi Yamada. Gradually they all warm up to each other, learning the ups and downs of college life and beyond.

Season 2
The sequel and final installment to the highly popular series once again delves into the life stories and love lives of Takemoto Yuuta, Mayama Takumi and Morita Shinobu. The story continues where the first season left off, after Takemoto's self-discovery journey around Japan. Of course, the love triangles and tribulations they face will continue, and eventually decide the paths to their future.

Why is it Good?
Well, story of each complicated character is well portrayed. And every character's life is intertwined with each other. It contains comedy, romance and drama... A typical "slice of life" genre anime. and the story sometimes can be related to our real life, 'coz most of the happenings in the story usually happens in real life too! 

Go watch this anime! even if you don't watch one... I'm FORCING you to watch it!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket it's one heck of a best anime 'till now. hehe

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