This is what I call... "Inconsiderate." They just do stuff what would amuse or entertain themselves without thinking the consequences that would happen or would result to.
Ok, so I was pissed off at work when someone made a fool out of their comrade (This is what i call them between employees). Anyway, considering it was a very childish act... posting a "post" on a back of their comrade that says Gwapo ako (I'm handsome in Tagalog). I'm ok with their act of joke BUT The problem is that he's a waiter that would be exposing his "back" to the customer, which was well... they were laughing or snickering behind him. and which also I would consider that the reputation of the Shop (Which is a coffee shop for pete's sake... it's a class and sorta educated ambiance that surrounds the entire shop!!!) was kinda... inappropriate!
That really pissed me off!! DAMN!! how childish could they get? Do they know that they're hurting their fellow comrade... in a huge crowd? Is he really that inconsiderate of other's feeling? I'm so... out of words describe that incident!! DAMN! (Ok.. so I kinda over-used the term damn... XD)
Oh yeah, it's so happens that whenever i'm pissed or angry.. it's usually the time that the employees start to act seriously with their work and doing the chores maturly.. watda? Should I act angrily everytime i get to work just to make them work harder? (Just a cent of thought)
Anyway, just a short shoutout for the day...
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