Musiq Mania

Saturday, June 30, 2007


We are Human, we commit mistakes.... but what if they made a mistake that would hurt your feelings? Just like something that blurred out of their mouth accidentally of unintentionally? What if they done something stupid.. like make a fool out of you just 'coz he's bored? 

This is what I call... "Inconsiderate." They just do stuff what would amuse or entertain themselves without thinking the consequences that would happen or would result to. 

Ok, so I was pissed off at work when someone made a fool out of their comrade (This is what i call them between employees). Anyway, considering it was a very childish act... posting a "post" on a back of their comrade that says Gwapo ako (I'm handsome in Tagalog). I'm ok with their act of joke BUT The problem is that he's a waiter that would be exposing his "back" to the customer, which was well... they were laughing or snickering behind him. and which also I would consider that the reputation of the Shop (Which is a coffee shop for pete's sake... it's a class and sorta educated ambiance that surrounds the entire shop!!!) was kinda... inappropriate!

That really pissed me off!! DAMN!! how childish could they get? Do they know that they're hurting their fellow comrade... in a huge crowd? Is he really that inconsiderate of other's feeling? I'm so... out of words describe that incident!! DAMN! (Ok.. so I kinda over-used the term damn... XD

Oh yeah, it's so happens that whenever i'm pissed or angry.. it's usually the time that the employees start to act seriously with their work and doing the chores maturly.. watda? Should I act angrily everytime i get to work just to make them work harder? (Just a cent of thought)

Anyway, just  a short shoutout for the day...  

Monday, June 25, 2007

Anime Review: Honey & Clover (1 & 2)

One of my passion for entertainment is anime, i just love watching animes
Why? 'Coz it's fun and meaningful! (Well, not all of them actually... some are just plain mindless and stupid)

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Honey & Clover is considered as one of my Top 5 anime of all time (as of June 25, 2007 actually). Due to it's storyline and funny antics too. 

Season 1 (26 episodes) aired on  2005-04-14
Season 2 (12 episodes) aired on  2006-06-29

Season 1 
Second-year art student Yuuta Takemoto lives the typical college life: sleeping, eating, and dealing with troublesome apartment mates like eccentric Morita and ladies' man Mayama. Life gets interesting when Hagumi Hanamoto, the gifted niece of Professor Shuuji Hanamoto, comes to school and surprises everyone with her talents (and unusually young appearance). Takemoto wants to make friends with her, but Morita always seems to make the first move; Hagu-chan, meanwhile, is afraid of the boys and prefers the company of pottery student Ayumi Yamada. Gradually they all warm up to each other, learning the ups and downs of college life and beyond.

Season 2
The sequel and final installment to the highly popular series once again delves into the life stories and love lives of Takemoto Yuuta, Mayama Takumi and Morita Shinobu. The story continues where the first season left off, after Takemoto's self-discovery journey around Japan. Of course, the love triangles and tribulations they face will continue, and eventually decide the paths to their future.

Why is it Good?
Well, story of each complicated character is well portrayed. And every character's life is intertwined with each other. It contains comedy, romance and drama... A typical "slice of life" genre anime. and the story sometimes can be related to our real life, 'coz most of the happenings in the story usually happens in real life too! 

Go watch this anime! even if you don't watch one... I'm FORCING you to watch it!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket it's one heck of a best anime 'till now. hehe

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Ok, it's either my life is so boring that I don't have anything to share about..... or..... I'm running out of ideas to talk about! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Anyway, just having a short update... It seems to be my life's turning to the brighter side as for now.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket *Weeee~*

Video of the Day!
that would "kinda" or "sorta" cheer your day up for a few minutes (LoLz):

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I Love my Onions!! Vol. 1

Rather... Onionticons! (Onions + Emoticons)

Have you ever want to express you facial expression in your message or in your blog? Then try these adorable onions to express your emotions for you! They come in variety of "faces"!!

Vol. 1

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - Watya Lookin' At?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - Pwis?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - OMG!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - *It wasn't me... It wasn't me...*

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - That was a good meal...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - R & R

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - *Blush*

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - Dead man itching...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - *Happy! sha-la-la~!*

More onionticons coming....

by the way, these avatars were taken @


R&R = Rest & Relaxation Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Ok, so yesterday was not the type R&R I've expected to be. Considering that I proposed to myself to have a day off. (Since I was still at work for almost half day long).

After my "escapade" from work, my friends planned a private place to have our private dinner and private chatting session. (See how I stress the word "Private"?). All things were according to plans! we hadn't have this type of gathering for a LONG time! since we were all quite busy with our work, and responsibilities... Hopefully we could do this type of gathering once a week. ( ^-^)v

When all the people came, we ordered our food and chat and chat and CHAT! Right after a few minutes our drinks came and we sip our little hearts out on our beverages and were expecting that the food would be served in a couple of minutes from then....

10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour 30 minutes has passed and our food hasn't arrived yet.... (Ok, so I was starving to death then.. I didn't had my lunch that day..), and we finally realized that this is one of those restaurant that we should have pre-order first before coming (the place's know for it's "slower than a speed of crawling snail" food service a.k.a Antonio's Steak House in Pasonanca.). So... since we were having a great yapping away so we decide to let our bratty attitude slip aside. Until the food's finally served in front of our eyes... then it was time that we finally decided to let our talking rest and make our eating do the work for next 3 minutes. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And just wanna make my journal short, I had a great time yesterday! (Well, especially me! This is the kind of talking I want to have... not all the nagging and complaints to receive here at work). In conclusion, I HAD FUN LAST NIGHT!! But it was rather short... wished we leave the place a little later. ( T_T)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Slave of Work?

Before we discuss about the topic, let me explain the meaning of each word

1. Exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something.
2. One's place of employment.
3. Productive or operative activity.

1. A person entirely under the domination of some influence or person.
2. To work very hard or doggedly; toil.

These could be few of meanings that would explain each word accordingly, then When we make a phrase when joining these two words we have Slave of work which can simply means most of the time the slaves had to do the hardest work their boss had for them.

This is actually what I'm experiencing right now, tight up to work which I didn't expect that it would be such a drag! Although I enjoy doing stuffs at work, but not to an extent when it becomes a chain tied to my neck which prevents me from going out or having my own social life! It's always work and no decent social life to have.... When times that you don't even have time to talk with your friends and have a good time.

WORK + WORK + WORK + WORK + STRESS + WORK + WORK = More WORK & STRESS! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It seems the cycle never ends when you become a slave of work. Trust me! Been there and still suffering! ( T-T) anyhow, you become to an extent that you eventually lose the goal and main purpose of life and also getting very depressed due to 0% of social life that you're experiencing... and in the end, you'll end up emotionally down, and sometimes end up crying in the corner (ok, so I shouldn't have said that). It's pretty lonely when you're in my position, so lonely you feel SO sorry for yourselves.

Lesson learned? Always cherish the friends that is around you, when you're down and weary go to them! They'll always there to help you! Although there are times that you have to tell them how you feel, they're not usually super sensitive to detect your mood and feeling ( ^-^) and take time having your rest, and ASK for a appropriate time to have a day off! Rejuvenate those tired bones and muscle, put your brain into hibernate mode and relax. (Which for the 1st time in 2 months that I'll be having my deserved day off tomorrow!) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And lastly, Thanks to my friends! Thank you for helping me out when I'm down!! ( ^3^)/
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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hindered Dream

All these years... there's something that i wanna do, is to become a cartoonist/animator/graphic design or in short as an artist. It is something that i really dream to be since i was an innocent child *hehe.*

Why? Hmm, i think it has something to do with Disney! The Magic of Disney to be exact ( ^3^) Almost every Disney animation that was ever produced was so amazingly done and so colorful (except for the few recent ones which is a big disappointment to me especially Atlantis). It kinda makes people feeling good and happy after they watch it. And i wanna be someone who could make people smile and happy for what i drew and paint. But that i could also express whatever i feel for that moment of time, if ever I'm happy or sad. (*o* )

Although it's one dream that's been on hold for now, until i could find the right time. This reminds me of a certain song from Disney and it goes like this.. "A dream is a wish your heart makes" which is one of my most favorite line that motivates me not to give up my dream but to continue to achieve it. Even when things don't go what you planned or people don't appreciate the things you do (^-^(~_~ )

I think this is all I have to talk about for today, and once again Thank you for dropping by.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


OK, just recovered from a recent "snap" i had a couple of hours ago...



it's just that i can't stand people pouring unnecessary stress and problems over me. Especially when it's repetitive and demanding as it is! DAMN! I'm just a living , breathing pile of human flesh! Dammit! what else do want me to be? a Living computer that would do things PERFECTLY and according to your PLANS? THEHECKWITHYOU!

And I'm starting to go NuTs with my employees, they're hard-headed as a diamond (if only there's something harder than diamonds and that would be a perfect thing to describe 'bout them).

So maybe I'm overreacting..... but still, all i ever want is a sympathy and a good rest. Just to unwind and recover my body and my being (which means both spiritually and mentally).......... hopefully that certain someone would read this and soften his unsympathetic heart and feel my pain and agony of all these.

I think is all I have to say for now.. for all who ever read this, thank you and sorry for "forcing" you to read this ( ^-^)v


Welcome to one of my Blog here at! ( ^3^)/

Somehow, I feel the need of a blog to shout out all my problems and stress at certain point of time... which i come to the idea of creating a blog about it.

Although it may not be rants all the time, I would consider some raves and some "happenings" around my life (If ever i could get a social life.) ( T_T)

Just sit back and relax, and enjoy all my outpour of emotions and nonsense.