Musiq Mania

Monday, October 8, 2007

ELE: Chocolate Edition

ELE simply means Eat, Live and Experience.

We need food to nourish our body, we eat every day of our life and we crave these food. But do you guys ever stop, feel and savor the food that's been prepared for you? Every certain ingredient has it's own distinctive taste and aroma. Take time to observe and enjoy the food you've been indulge.

Think food as an form of art, emotion and experience. You take time to taste and appearance of the food, when you prepare the food you're feeling happy, sad, frustrated, angry and such emotions. And you cook a lot better through experience, every time you cook is always new and sometime adventurous (adding new flavors to the same old recipe that you have thus creating a new flavor.)

I'll tackle chocolate as the topic for this ELE edition.

We all love chocolate! (well, almost all XD) and we can always prepare it in different ways, let your imagination go wild when preparing it. Even Chocolate + Wasabe sounds delicous! seriously.

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Be a little artistic when preparing, it will add the gusto appeal to the food up a notch!
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Or sometimes we can go for the simple look for the sophisticated appeal.
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If you really wanna enjoy the taste of the chocolate, have a cup of coffee beside when biting these delicacies, the bitterness of the coffee will bring out the rich cocoa flavor and making more rich and tasty, by the way don't add any sugar to your coffee it'll destroy the taste of the chocolate....

Dark Chocolate Truffles:
Ingredients needed:
250 grams Dark Chocolate, finely chopped
1/.2 cup Heavy Cream (Nestle All purpose cream would do)
28 grams Butter (Never use margarines)
1 tbsp Coffee liqour (Kahlua and such)
3 tbsps Cocoa Power (Hershey's Dutch style chocolate powder)

1. Put chopped dark chocolate in bowl
2. Heat heavy cream in a sauce pan, bring it to full boil.
3. Pour this over the chocolate. Let it stand for 2 minutes
4. Gently stir the cream into chocolate until smooth.
5. add butter and coffee liqour and cool it in room temperature.
6. Put it in chiller for atleast 3 hours, shape it with a scooper (small ice cream scooper would do)
7. Roll and toss in cocoa poweder.
8. SERVE and Indulge!!

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