As you can recall in my previous post that I'm bound for Taiwan for my studies, but before reaching Taiwan I was in Manila for almost 24hrs. During those time I was able to stay over at my uncle danny's house for a night (and I got to save money too! <3)
Arriving in NAIA 2 from Zamboanga
I have planned out the whole afternoon to meet my little sister (Christine) and do some "lakwacha" :P and decided to meet each other in Trinoma, Quezon City.
We arrived in Trinoma at around 3 in the afternoon, and we started roaming the mall (since it was my 1st time going to this particular mall). We walked around the whole mall for like 2-3 times and then decided to head to SM North EDSA. And I couldn't believed how much SM North has changed since the last time I've been there.... (think it was 2005).
Many"window shopping" later, I decided to invite my sister to have dinner in T.G.I.F. (man! I really miss this resto.... but I didn't miss the price at all). Afterward we had desserts at Red Mango. I had the Green Tea Yogurt w/ Almond slices while sister just got the plain Green Tea Yogurt (diet daw... xD). The first bite tastes weird at all, coz it taste a little bit sour than I've expected but the more you had the better it tastes and eventually you'll look for more! o_O Although the yogurt's not really cheap at all, a small cup will cost you like P80 and each additional toppings will go for P20 each. But I'd still recommend to try it out once in awhile. :)
While having our yogurt, we went in Toys R' Us (the little kid inside can't resist not going into the toy shop). We fool around w/ some stuffs and we saw Rubiks 360 on sale (Which I have read 'bout it in some time back) and curiosity took over us and eventually we bought it at P699 each.
After all those pigging out and toy fondling, we finally called it a day and went our separate ways afterward. 'Coz I still got a big day of traveling the next day.
Time for another random music review from the land of the sun~ well, neighbor from the land of the sun to be exact.
Introducing Clazziquai Project!
Clazziquai (Hangul: 클래지콰이; Classic+Jazz+Groove) is a South Korea fusion band that combines several genres including Electronic music, acid jazz and house. The group's first short unofficial albums were released online in 2001, spreading its music through words of "Netizens" who positively received the group's unique music. They remained underground until the release of their first album Instant Pig in 2004, selling over 80,000 copies. Since then, their music has been used in various television commercials and movies, and has given them the chance to perform at various events.
Clazziquai's fame increased greatly after the success of My Lonely Solomon, a 2005 a kDrama (Korean Drama) that received over a 50% share by the end of its run. Clazziquai contributed two songs on its soundtrack: "Be My Love" and "She Is", the former of which became the show's theme song. The show's popularity brought the group increased media and public attention. The group won an award at the MNET KM Music Video Festival for "Best Soundtrack", and has also been the most nominated group at the Korean Popular Music Awards II(2회), winning "Artist of the Year" and "Best Pop".
Since then, they have released a second album Color Your Soul and its remixed version Pinch Your Soul in 2005, and released their third in June 2007, Love Child of the Century. The group's unconventional style has proven popular enough to have the group widen their focus to other countries, signing a contract with avex tracks in 2005, in addition to gaining a licensed album in Taiwan. They have contributed to works by Japanese artists, Fantastic Plastic Machine and M-flo. The group appeared on ETPFEST in 2008.