Musiq Mania

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kitty Madness (Kawaii-desu~!)

Ok, I'm much of a sucker punch for adorable cute animals... makes me wanna squeeze 'em till they turn into a small ball. *lmao*

This one cat from Japan named Maru is on my "squeezing" list. This cat has one of the cutest overall feature that I've ever seen.... It's chubby, hugable, kinda bulky, chubby, funny "hobbies", chubby and did I say chubby? o_O

Anyway, Check out it's blog @

*oh yeah, the blog's is in japanese/nihonggo but some captions are translated in english and it's very easy to navigate.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Adventure Ahoy!

In this lifetime you'll never stick to one routine that makes you think that you're used to, or getting tired of. Because you'll never know what will ever happen the very next day. Life is always been a mystery to mankind since the beginning of time.

Yeah, you tend to get sick of waking up in the morning (or afternoon for me -.-) and start saying "Meh, It'll be another boring day for me.....Photobucket" (True, we tend to say that once in awhile) BUT! Whenever you start to lose hope and giving up of finding that "happy place".... and "POOF!" opportunities always pops up out of nowhere or whenever you least expects it.

This is what happened to me for the past 2 months. On a boring Sunday night, when I think it'll just be the same usual evening (lame and typical game playing night while rotting in my shop) my sister suddenly drops by and hand me a brochure, which I didn't pay attention at first glance (I thought it was just another credit card application form). But my sister suddenly said it's about a university in Taiwan which caught my attention in an instant. That's just the start of the juicy information! Apparently, this university offers scholarship for upcoming Mandarin bachelor courses and English masteral courses. Golden opportunities doesn't come into your life that so often, and initially I was rather hesitant in applying but some of my friends convinced me that it is worth a try into the offer. And boy I'm glad I didn't turn down the offer back then. After I passed all my required documents, waited a few weeks and the good news came. "I GOT ACCEPTED!" *dances like a nerd* and best of all, the course I applied was one of my dream job interest of my life.

This coming August 24th, 2009 will mark as the day where A new chapter in my life, a new adventure to explore. As I'll be attending as a college student (again lol) taking up Mandarin Bachelor Degree in Digital Arts of Computer and Multimedia Entertainment in Souther Taiwan University (STUT) in Tainan, Taiwan R.O.C.

So only God knows what's ahead of me for the coming school year, but I'm sure it'll be an exciting and new life.