Musiq Mania

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Lack of Inspi.....

I used to have lots of idea for artworks and character designs stored up in my mind when I was still young... But recently I've noticed that all those imaginativeness kinda suddenly disappear Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket.

Whatever happen to my cup of thoughts and ideas? Is it true that the older you get, the less imaginative you'd get? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Or it's just that I'm so tied up to my work and eventually have no more time to imagine stuffs up?

When i thought of the last statement, i said to myself, "NOOOOOO!! I don't wanna be like this!! I want to be the old cartoony self again!! 'Coz it ain't fun being the all ever serious Mikki that I am right now." Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hopefully that I would regain the old habit of mine and could draw and think of my artistic side again. (In short, I'm suffering from artist's block.)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Chipmunks are...... BACK!

Remember when we were still young.. the time was the 80's and 90's? We used to watch cartoons day and nights, caring nothing but fun and cartoons too? And cartoons such as thunder cats, G.I. Joe, My Little Pony, Care Bares and... Alvin and the Chipmunks?

Well........... Alvin and the Chipmunks are coming to a theater near you this Yuletide Season!! you heard me right! A brand new movie from the 20th century fox with our lovable chipmunks! Alvin, Simon and Theodore in all their wacky voices. Although this time, it's not a animated 2d movie... but rather a 3D CG mixed with live action. Just like how they did Garfield the movie (Hopefully it won't end up like Garfield's cheesy storyline). It's worth checking out though, considering how we used to love the cartoon way back! (They're just damn adorable!)

Posted below are the Theater Poster and a Trailer of the Movie.. Just love their new song!

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by the way... just love when Theodore said... "Oh..." after Alvin's line at the last part of the trailer! XD